What is YouTube SEO? 😕 How to viral your YouTube videos 😕

What is YouTube SEO? How to viral your YouTube videos

How to do SEO for your YouTube Channel?

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YouTube SEO in Hindi

Want to do YouTube SEO but do not know how to do it. Never mind, we will tell you how to do YouTube SEO.

So that you can rank the video of your YouTube channel at number one in the YouTube search result.

What is SEO?

And keep in mind that here we are talking only about YouTube SEO.
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what is SEO

SEO is called Search Engine Optimization. And this is such a technique using which we can get the video of our YouTube channel ranked at the top i.e. number one.

Why SEO is important?

If you do SEO of your YouTube video properly. So your video can come at number one in YouTube search results. By which you can get more views.

Why is SEO important for YouTube?

Why is SEO important? We understand this with an example. Suppose you did research and you made a video for your YouTube channel, which took you 10 to 15 days to make. And in the video that you have made, you have given a lot of knowledge. Which can help a lot of people. That is, according to you this video is the best.

Now what happens is that your views do not come on that video. Because the video that you have made to help people has not reached the people. Why? Because you did not do SEO properly or did not do it at all. So now it is not necessary to do SEO.

How to do YouTube SEO?

YouTube SEO kese kare

Just like Google is a search engine, YouTube is also a search engine. Where people are engaged in finding solutions to their problems. That is, keep searching for something. If you have done SEO of your video well then your video can also come at number one in YouTube search results. So that is why it is important to do YouTube SEO.

Now there is no hack for YouTube SEO which was applied and it worked.

What comes in YouTube SEO, let us tell you from the beginning.

  1. Attractive video Thumbnail

Now, what is this video thumbnail? As you see in the above image, all these are thumbnails of the video. That is, when you search a topic on YouTube, then many videos come in front of you, the SEO and content of the YouTube video will come forward.

The photos in all those videos. They are called video thumbnails.

Thumbnails help a lot in ranking your YouTube videos. And only a part of SEO is if the thumbnail of your YouTube video matches your topic. And you made it well. So there is a possibility of getting more views on your video.

Because most people see the thumbnail of a YouTube video and guess whether they should watch this video or not. If the thumbnail of your YouTube video attracts the viewers towards you, then you can get more views. Now if more views have come, then the video rank will definitely be done. So while making videos in the future, pay special attention to thumbnails.

How to set thumbnail size?

  • Use 16: 9 ratio images for thumbnails of YouTube videos.

  • And when it comes to pixels, 1280 x 720 is the best.

  • And yes the size of the image should not be more than 2.Keyword Research

To rank YouTube videos, it is necessary to have knowledge of keywords. The keyword is what the user searches by putting it on the search engine. Let's take an example – someone searched on YouTube for the best camera phone, this is a keyword.

And someone else searched How to promote youtube videos with Google Ads This is also a keyword. Which helps in making the SEO of Youtube.

The only difference between the two is the Best camera phone short tail keyword. And How to promote youtube videos with Google Ads is the long tail keyword. Now I know what is the difference between short-tail keywords and long-tail keywords. And which one should you use in your video?

Short Tail Keyword 

Keywords that contain fewer words are called short-tail keywords. Like told you earlier the Best camera phone is a short tail keyword, How to promote videos this too. That is, these keywords are short. On which many videos have already been made on YouTube.

And it can be a bit difficult to rank on these keywords. Because short tail keywords have more competition.

long tail Keyword 

Keywords that have more words. Like Best camera phones for videography and How to promote YouTube videos with Google Ads, Such keywords are called long-tail keywords. And very few videos are made on these big keywords.

And if you make videos on these long keywords, then you can get your video ranked at number one in YouTube search results. Because there is not much competition in them.

How to find the best keywords for your video?

If you want to rank your YouTube video, then you have to find the best keywords for your video. You can also use Keyword Planner to find the best keywords.

Semrush, Ahrefs, Google keyword planner, KW Finder, Long-tail pro, all these are keyword planners. But you can also take the help of YouTube itself to find the best keywords, how is that now? First of all, open youtube and search your topic in the search bar. That is the topic on which you are making or want to make the video. Now as soon as you search for the best camera phone for half, you will get to see many keywords in front of you, now find a good keyword that matches your topic.

Note:- This is just an example. You have to search your keyword in the search bar.

3. High-Quality Videos

Whenever you make a video for your YouTube channel, keep in mind that the video quality should be the best i.e. the video and sound should be HD. And while making the video, the camera or mobile phone in which you are shooting the video should not shake much i.e. do not move much. Otherwise, the people watching your video will not watch the video for long, which will reduce the watch time of your channel.

And when the watch time decreases, YouTube will feel that your video is not worth watching. And then youtube will not recommend your channel further so that you will have problems growing your channel.

One more thing, whenever you shoot a video, shoot in landscape because most of the landscape videos are put on YouTube. And if possible, make more Facecam videos by showing the face.

4. Optimize the Description

If you want your YouTube video to be ranked, then you should optimize YouTube descriptions properly.

By optimizing the YouTube description, both YouTube and the viewer better understand what topic your video is on and what you want to tell in the video. What to do now?

First of all, what you have written for your YouTube video, you have to write it again in the description of your video. And after that, you have to tell in the description which topic your video is. And what are you going to tell in the video? And after that, you can give your other links in the description.

After doing all this, do not forget to put the hashtag (#) in the description. It will be better if you put the hashtag as your keyword. Let's understand it by example. Suppose your keyword is the Best camera phone for videography. To make this keyword a hashtag in your video, first, you have to write a hashtag ( # ).

Now your keyword Best camera phone for videography Your keyword has now become hashtag #Best_camera_phone_for_videography. And you do not have to give space while creating a hashtag.

You can use an underscore ( _ ) to complete the keyword. This will also bring space in your hashtag and your keyword will also be completed.

5. Use the correct tag in the video

Tags are a kind of keywords that you put in the tag section of the video before uploading the video. Which is a part of YouTube SEO and it is also necessary to do it.

While entering the tag, keep in mind that the tag you are putting in the tag section of your video is similar to the keyword and topic of your video. If you put tags on videos of any other topic, then your video will not be able to rank. For example, you can see this in the image below.

You can see in this image that the correct tag has been used with the keywords of the video. Due to which it is ranked and also comes on top in YouTube search results.

You have also thought about the keywords for your video.

You have to use the same tag with it. So that your YouTube video can also be ranked. And you can also use YouTube search results to find the right tag for your video. Which we have mentioned in the tab containing keyword research.

Now let us understand how YouTube works. And everyone must have understood how YouTube's SEO is done. If you make YouTube videos from the information given by us and follow all the steps, then you can move forward on YouTube.

You just have to keep putting videos on YouTube continuously.

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